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Are you wanting more out of life?  Explore the underlying subconscious energies that are holding you back from close relationships, deep love for yourself, and success. Clear the blocks to allow the universe to conspire in your favor. 


Leslie offers one-on-one session packages for weight loss, relationships, and success.

“Discover your vibrant self!”

Leslie Wilson

Weight Loss

Eliminate Cravings and clear the underlying emotional causes for your extra weight.  Feel good in your body.  

Weight Loss

  • Eliminate limiting beliefs around weight loss. Do you have beliefs such as "It's not safe to be thin" or "I'll only be happy if I can eat what I want." These beliefs are not true and cause us to hold on to extra weight.  We will remove these beliefs.
  • Eliminate food addictions.  Do you have addictions to specific foods such as chocolate, donuts, or potato chips? We will use tapping to set you free from these addictions.
  • Explore the benefits to holding on to your extra weight and the negative consequences to being thin.  We will remove these fears to allow your body to let go of the unneeded weight.


Learn boundary setting, release anger, increase intimacy and communication. Increase deep connections with others. 



  • Do you react to things that people say or do, creating the same negative dynamics over and over?
  • Do you need to be in control or try to control others?
  • Do you have difficulty setting personal boundaries? 
  • Do you hold on to anger, jealousy, guilt, or resentment?
  • Do you need clarity on whether to stay in or leave a relationship?
  • Do you crave a deeply connected relationship, but don't feel safe letting others in?
  • Explore what is preventing you from gaining a deep connection with your partner, family, or friends.
  • Open your heart and allow love to enter.


Clear blocks to success in all areas of your life, and eliminate beliefs that are holding you back from money and abundance.



  • Do you have limiting beliefs around money such as, "rich people are bad," or "I have to work hard for money" ?
  • Do you have limiting self beliefs such as, "life is hard," "I don't deserve more," or "who am I to think that I can do this?" 
  • Do you have a fear of showing others your talents? Do you hold beliefs such as, "people will criticize me," "I'm not good enough," or "I'm just not that person" ?
  • We will work together to create a vision for your future, and we will set goals for where you want to be, and then remove your subconscious blocks that are keeping  you from getting there.  

Leslie Wilson

Leslie Wilson is a top level inner game coach who works with individuals who desire to move beyond their current limits.  She takes people on a journey through their subconscious minds to clear blocks to ideal body weight, abundance, and deeply connected relationships.    Leslie does this with a combination of Emotional Freedom Techniques (AKA tapping), Energy Psychology techniques, spiritual work, and intuition to help her clients break the beliefs and stuck energy that are keeping them from becoming their highest selves.

 About Leslie


Leslie Wilson, Ed.S, is an Inner Game coach in Southern California.  She specializes in clearing subconscious blocks that are impeding weight loss, health, and success.

Her primary mission is to help individuals find inner peace and confidence and to be a guiding light to those around them.

Using a combination of Emotional Freedom Techniques, spiritual guidance, and intuition, she helps people raise their vibration to attract better relationships, health and wellness, and success.

Leslie graduated from California State University, Fullerton (B.A. in Psychology), Chapman University (M.S. in School Psychology and Ed.S in Educational Psychology).

She is also a certified EFT Practitioner, certified Instant Miracle Coach, certified Yes Code Coach, Energy Psychology certified, and a minister of MentalPhysics.   She has been personally mentored by EFT masters Dawson Church and Carol Look.

Leslie works with individuals one-on-one through video tele-conferencing and offers group spiritual work both in-person and online.

Leslie’s BIG goal is to clear the blocks holding people back from true communication, self-love, vibrant health, and success to raise the vibration of themselves and the planet and attract the life of their dreams. 

 My Story


When I first discovered EFT tapping, I had already reached a level that many would consider successful.  I had a master’s degree and a career as a school psychologist.  I was happily married and had several close friends.  I thought I had reached my goals and should be happy.  But I wasn’t truly happy.  I was stressed out with knots in my stomach and back.  I often reacted to things with anger or frustration and I even went through a period of depression. Although not clinically diagnosed, I sometimes had thoughts of staying in bed or hiding under my desk.  I wanted to escape.

Then tapping came into my life! I wasn’t looking for it. It just showed up.  I tried it first on my husband, and in just a few minutes of tapping, his chocolate addiction was gone.  I started tapping on myself and trying it with other people.  I was amazed at the changes I was seeing, and I signed up to become a practitioner, getting many sessions for myself at the same time.  

My outlook on life began to transform.  I felt lighter.  I came out of my shell and became more social.  I no longer felt the need to guard myself.  I began to enjoy my work more and my relationships became deeper and more meaningful.  I stopped reacting to things that people said or did or things that happened around me.  I became a creator of my life, rather than a reactor to my circumstances.  And most importantly, I felt happier and more joyful.  I started to enjoy life again.  

I continue to use tapping regularly, and I work with a tapping coach to clear triggers and barriers to success in all areas of my life.  I am in love with working with others to clear their blocks and to watch my clients reach new levels of success and to come to a place of peace in their lives.  




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Self Love

“Since my very first tapping session with Leslie, I have felt lighter and more at peace with myself and my life. Things that used to bother me just don’t have the same ‘charge’ as they did before. I feel myself growing in self-love and self-awareness with each session.”  JC, Yucca Valley, CA

“Before, I felt helpless and disempowered.  I had anger and animosity.  Now I feel power, courage, and strength.”   RT, Twentynine Palms, CA 

“For the first time in my life, it feels really good to be a woman.”  LD, San Francisco, CA

“In the shadows of depression,  Leslie guided me patiently with insightful questions. Tapping with her was just what I needed.  I’m not depressed anymore and have discovered new potential from a latent passion.  Spiritually attuned, Leslie’s still practical approach to goal-setting helped me move forward while her natural sensitivity and genuine empathy helped me look inward.

Weight Loss

Since I had my baby 2 years ago, my weight has not budged! After my first EFT session with Leslie, I began to feel lighter in both body and mind. Lo and behold, not only do I feel better emotionally, but the weight has started to drop off! I have now lost 20 pounds, it is truly amazing!” JL, Yucca Valley, CA

 “I attended one of Leslie’s weight loss classes and was picked to work with her in front of the class for a food addiction.  I had to eat Pepperidge Farms white chocolate macadamia cookies every day and even kept them in my desk at work.  After tapping with Leslie, I completely forgot to eat them or buy them and I even gave my last bags away because I didn’t want them anymore! To this day I walk right past them at the grocery store!”  DP, Yucca Valley, CA



“Since my first tapping session with Leslie,  I have been able to face challenging situations calmly.  Tapping brought emotions out I held in for years.  Things I didn’t realize were still affecting my life.  I now approach my loved ones all-together differently than I had in the past which has improved my relationships. I feel  pressure has been lifted from my life… I can now say, ‘I like myself.’  Thank you Leslie.  You are a blessing!”   SD, Temecula, CA

Thank you for an amazing session…Something has been released big time and I am speaking up effortlessly with my husband with clarity, with calm, and presence.”  NT, Australia

“Leslie worked with me on something I have struggled with my whole life: setting boundaries with loved ones.  But, in order to be a good mom, wife, friend, daughter, and sister, I needed to learn to take care of my needs first.  Leslie helped me to overcome my fear of setting boundaries so that my own needs could be met.  I no longer feel resentment and exhaustion and I feel stronger in my power.  And my relationships have grown stronger because of it.”  H.M., Yucca Valley, CA


 “Since working with Leslie, I have much more clarity on my goals. I used to waste a lot of time on unproductive activities. Now I feel drive and motivation to get things done and am able to maintain focus to move forward.”  -TW 

As an empath, it was Leslie’s clear energy that first drew me to her.  I have done many EFT and Energy Psychology sessions with her and am always impressed with her natural ability to get to the heart of the issue very quickly, while still remaining responsive to my input, and creating a sense of safety, and respect.  Every session has resulted in breakthroughs, whether working on career related issues, relationships, health, and the underlying limiting beliefs or trauma/events underpinning them. Our sessions have both set me free from the stress of emotional and mental turbulence and the physical symptoms this has created in my body.  They have also led to an awareness of new possibilities and the inner confidence to consider and act on them. I am always excited about my sessions with Leslie because I know I will start off with something that often seems pretty mundane, and leave the session ready to dream new possibilities, explore new ways of being and a choice about what I do or don’t do next!”  -Noelle Taylor, Australia

Health & Wellness

“For the first time in twenty years, I don’t feel any pain in my shoulder” ~CE, Yucca Valley, CA

“When I started the sessions with Leslie, I was having so much anxiety and stress in my body.  I had high blood pressure, tightness in my chest, and I often felt like I couldn’t get a deep breath. While working with Leslie, I started to feel calm and serene. I was finally able to breathe deeply and let go of those negative emotions. Not only that but, I did not have to be put on blood pressure medicine which I was in the process of doing with my doctor.”  AH, Oklahoma

Schedule a Free Discovery Session

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Media Interviews

2022 Global Healer’s Summit

Leslie discusses using EFT for optimal health.  Tap along for stress reduction.

The Love to Move Podcast video

An interesting interview, plus tap along to a full-length tapping session to clear a block for fear of success and fear of moving to the next level


Carol Look – How to Tap

  • What is EFT?

  • EFT Directions

  • FAQ’s About EFT

  • EFT Tapping Points

EFT Research Studies

  • Does EFT tapping really work? Check out the scientific research here.

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